Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Alison O'Brien Shoot in Washington, DC!


A few weeks ago I had the pleasure of finally meeting Miss Alison O'Brien, an aspiring singer/songwriter who is currently recording her first album! Alison is a classically-trained singer and pianist and decided to go pursue the pop route- her music kind of has a nice Sarah Bareilles feel to it! Long story short- Alison heard about me through a friend (sheesh, Jen! Thanks...again!!) and is also friends with Julia and Johnny.

Alison was so excited to do this shoot, as was I, because it was totally different from anything I've ever done before. Alison wanted to push the envelope and get some edgy shots, as well as some fun and sophisticated shots- well, we got them all!

We had a lot more ideas planned, but could only do so much before Mother Nature took the darn Sun away!

A super-duper-awesome-pecial shout-out to my amazing roomie, Kay (who spent 7 hours in the city helping me out like whoa!), Izzie Painter (who did an AMAZING job on Alison's makeup. Craazy stuff! If you ever need your makeup done, hit this girl up!), and Andrew (Alison's awesome boyfriend who stuck around with 3 girls allll day!).

Hellllllloooo, wind-in-hair-awesome-model-walk! Ohhh, Tyra would be proud!

So apparently Alison has a song about a Martian, sooo the crazy UFO-looking things outside of the Urban Housing Building worked perfectly for the theme!

Ok, ok...are you ready for some awesome makeup courtesy of Miss Izzle Painter? Here's a before and after...Alison was definitely turning heads in Chinatown that night!

Alison's posse (yes, she has a posse...including myself) commandeered a table at a crowded Starbucks while Izzle was working her magic!

Alison definitely had a lot of admirers that night- some very nice and others just very creepy haha!


Kay 17 December, 2009 17:37  

So awesome! I love the wind-in-the hair one! And the Chinatown ones, of course. I had so much fun at this shoot! Thank YOU for letting me help. =)

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